Synchrotron microCT

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ESRF_2022_June Data collection period: YYYY-Month-DD to YYYY-Month-DD
ESRF_2021_November Data collection period: YYYY-Month-DD to YYYY-Month-DD
CLS_2023_November Data collection period: YYYY-Month-DD to YYYY-Month-DD
SPring-8_2023_May Data collection period: YYYY-Month-DD to YYYY-Month-DD
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Beamtime grand table

This table is intended to provide an overview over the different beamtime experiments. Experimental parameters described in this table correspond to the main experiments. Test scans, calibration scans or pilot experiments may feature differing parameters that are not reflected in this table, but are to be found in the individual beamtime pages instead.

Variable codebook

Variable_name Description
Facility_institution Name or acronym of any overarching organization hosting the facility used for data acquisition (e.g. university hosting core facility; radiation research organization)
Facility_country Country where the facility is located
Facility_name Name or acronym of the facility used for data acquisition (e.g. core facility; synchrotron)
Facility_subunit Name or acronym of the subunit of the facility used for data acquisition (e.g. beamline of a synchrotron)
Beamtime_start_date Date of the first official day of the synchrotron beamtime allocation. This does not include any days prior of official beamtime start used for preparation. Format YYYY-MM-DD
Beamtime_proposal_number Official proposal number assigned by the synchrotron to the allocated beamtime. This should correspond the number used in the synchrotron databases etc.
Beamtime_project_description Shorthand description of the research question investigated during this experiment
Preparation Indicator whether the experiment was in vivo, ex vivo, post mortem or peri mortem
Number_of_samples Number of samples imaged during the beamtime experiment (e.g. number of animals; number of tissues)
Mean_photon_energy Mean photon energy of the X-ray beam
Monochromator Type of monochromator used for narrowing the energy spectrum of the X-ray beam
Effective_voxel_size Effective voxel size of the data. This value derives from the lens magnification and Detector_pixel_size. It is usually measured independently for validation
Projections_width_in_pixel Width of the acquired X-ray projection in pixels
Projections_height_in_pixel Height of the acquired X-ray projection in pixels
Field_of_View_width Width of the acquired X-ray projection in millimeters
Field_of_View_height Height of the acquired X-ray projection in millimeters
Exposure_time Amount of time that the camera chip used in the X-ray detector setup is exposed to light and collecting photons
Overhead_time_per_projection Additional amount of time required on top of the exposure time for the complete acquisition of an X-ray projection (e.g. for readout or rotation stage movements)
Number_of_projections The number of X-ray projections collected at multiple angles for the purposes of tomographic reconstruction
Stage_rotation_angle_range Indicates the angle the rotation stage was rotated during the full scans. Typical values are 180 ° and 360 °
Propagation_distance Distance between the detector and the sample. This value has impacts the amount of edge enhancement seen in the X-ray images
Detector_model Name identifying the camera used in the detector setup
Detector_pixel_size Pixel size of the physical pixels on the camera chip without magnification
Detector_width_in_pixel Width of the camera chip array in number of pixels. This reflects the technical specifications of the camera chip and not the number of pixels used in imaging
Detector_height_in_pixel Height of the camera chip array in number of pixels. This reflects the technical specifications of the camera chip and not the number of pixels used in imaging
Lens_type Type of lens used for magnification of visible light in the X-ray detector setup
Lens_f-number The f-number of a camera lens used for magnification in the X-ray detector setup. Indicated as N/A for microscope objectives where the numerical aperture is provided instead
Lens_numerical_aperture The numerical aperture of a microscope objective used for magnification in the X-ray detector setup. Indicated as N/A for camera lenses where the f-number is provided instead
Scintillator Material and thickness of the scintillator used to convert X-rays to visible light in the X-ray detector setup
Radiation_dose_rate Radiation dose rate measured or estimated for in vivo experiments. This metric is not measured for ex vivo or post mortem experiments
Table_date_csv_export Date of exporting the .xlsx table used for editing to .csv for upload to the FABRIC4 Portal.
N/A Not applicable
Unavailable This information has not been collected
Variable This information is different for different scans within the beamtime session. It is provided in this table for overview purposes only
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